Leadership and Contacts
Board of Directors
Artistic Director
Willis (Bill) Masonheimer (Artistic Director) is a graduate of
UCLA “sometime in the last century”.  He has pursued a music
teaching and performing career, teaching with the Los Angeles
Archdioceses, The Los Angeles Area Youth Band Council, and
Pepperdine University and performing with the Pasadena Pops
Orchestra, the California Philharmonic, and various ensembles at
Disneyland.  In 1978 he was one of the founding members of the
Great American Yankee Freedom Band.   Bill spent 1993-98
living and performing in Japan; a six month gig that just kept
getting extended! In 1998 he returned to Los Angeles as an
elementary music teacher.  His compositions and arrangements
have been performed at Disneyland, in Las Vegas, on the
Tonight Show, and by the Pasadena Pops Orchestra and the
California Philharmonic Orchestra – as well as the Hollywood
Wind Ensemble.  In addition to his duties as director of the
Freedom Band, Bill can be seen weekly in the orchestra on the
Hour of Power TV show, and playing tuba and trombone in the
Torrance Symphony.
The Freedom Band Foundation, a California not-for-profit
corporation, is governed by a five member Board of Directors
that is elected annually by dues-paying members of the

2010 Board of Directors

President:  Jim Scott
Vice President:  Pamela James
Secretary:  Stephen Kaupiko
Treasurer:  David Burch
Member at Large:  David Seta
Band Staff

Assistant Conductor:  Marcia Caldwell
Drum Major:  L
eonard Dootson
Managing Director:  Alison Jordan
Librarians:  Lane Jensen and Vincent Way
Contact Information:
Click Here to sign
up for our
E-Mail Mailing List!
Mailing Address:


General Email:

PayPal Email:
Freedom Band Foundation of Los
P.O. Box 29628
Los Angeles, CA 90029-0628

(323) 667-BAND

We maintain a close
relationship with our sister
band in Palm Springs, the
Desert Winds.
The Freedom Band Foundation is a
proud member of the Lesbian and Gay
Band Association,
and the Association of Concert Bands,
We buy our music from the Web's best
source for solo and ensemble sheet
music for wind players,
< Find out about the friendly people at our
"Home Base", Hollywood Lutheran Church
The Freedom  Band Foundation is incorporated as an educational and charitable organization within the meaning of Section 501 (c) (3) of
the Internal Revenue Code to support the activities of the performing organizations, the Great American Yankee Freedom Band and the
Hollywood Wind Ensemble, and to provide a structure to expand support of the performing arts in the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender
communities of Southern California.

Donations to the Foundation are fully tax deductible as defined by law.
Queer Music